Archivo | Plataforma de Investigación Fotográfica y Documental
Centros de Investigación
University of South Wales, Reino Unido
Editor: Ana Catarina Pinho
Archivo was founded in 2012 with the purpose of creating a space for thinking and discussing photography and documentary approaches through debate around its current practices and discourses, provided by the collaboration with visual artists, writers and researchers who explore issues arising from historical, political, cultural and critical standpoints.
From 2012 to 2016, Archivo published a quarterly bilingual magazine (ArchivoZine) aiming to contribute to the critical reflection on photography’s relations to the document and documentary. In 2017 Archivo became part of a practice-led PhD in Photography, within the European Centre of Documentary Research at the University of South Wales, in the United Kingdom. In this context, until 2020, the platform will be used as a way of extending the doctoral research, through collaboration with visual artists and researchers, exploring issues relating to the theorisation of photography and archive, documentary, as well as new forms of production, dissemination and reception.
Ana Catarina Pinho — ARCHIVO PLATFORM Founder / Editor; PhD candidate, University of South Wales
Dr. Mark Durden — Professor of Photography, University of South Wales, UK
Dr. Russel Roberts — Curator of the National Trust, Wales, UK
Dr. Anna Maria Guasch — Professor of Art History, University of Barcelona, SP
Dr. Margarida Medeiros — Assistant Professor of Photography, Nova University of Lisbon, PT
Lisa Barnard — Reader of Photography, University of South Wales, UK
Louise Clements — Artistic Director QUAD / Director FORMAT International Photography Festival, UK

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